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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Golf lesson number 2

So I just came from my 2nd ever golf lesson. I thought lesson one went pretty well. In fact in half an hour I was already consistently hitting about 150 yards with a 7 iron.

Today I played with an 8 iron and the coach decided since I already had a feel for the ball this would be a good opportunity to break down the stroke and get it perfect. This is always the step in any lesson that will break you. Where I thought I was doing a fantastic job the week earlier (maybe feeling a lil cocky too) I now cam to learn that my backswing was wrong, my follow through needs work, my stance could be stronger and my grip slightly off. At this point I am thinking 'what the hell was I doing last week then?'
After quite a few mishits (more than I care to mention) I finally started to get it and boy did it feel good to hit the ball cleanly and see it sail off past the 100 yard marker and tease with the idea of going to the 200 yard marker. Don't get me wrong, I am still far from being consistent but I am getting there. But I had to quit early though. My back started to hurt, not being used to the correct position my body was protesting. Pity. I am looking forward to next week however, especially as a friend on twitter has challenged me, I can't back down from that.

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