I live with a memory problem. It isn't a diagnosed problem, just something that tends to piss off the people I interact with regularly. That being said it doesn't bother me. Don't get me wrong, I often feel the negative effects of it. In fact i am sure there a large number of persons out there who think I am snobbish or indifferent because I often pass persons I met recently, or knew very well in the not to distant past without even acknowledging them. Persons often stop to say hi and tell such lovely tales of times we spent together and I look at them with a blank expression, completely clueless. I feel bad at those times, when clearly my bad memory has cost me a friendship.
Often I make grand gestures to say hi or hello to persons on the street because they may have simply glance my way and I fear that it may be one of those persons who I have forgotten. So to all the strangers I have surprised, I am sorry. To all the old friends I have forgotten I am also sorry.
A bad memory on the other hand does lead to happiness. I have no enemies, because I never remember transgressions made against me. Luckily for me, the only memories that seem to stick are happy ones. What more can I ask for. So for those who have to repeat things a million times for my benefit, I am sorry. For those who have to remind me who that person is for the twentieth time, I am sorry. To the person who brings up old stories of our adventures together and I greet with a blank stare, I am sorry. But I am happy.
loved this one - i can identify