They say idle hands are the devils playground. I am not sure I agree with that statement (well aside the obvious reasoning that as an atheist I don't subscribe to the notion of a devil) but given the underlying message I still disagree.
Case in point, it is lunch time, I am in my office with nothing to do (cough, cough), well plenty to do actually but it is lunch time after all and I am simply in no mood to do any of it. That being said, my idleness has yet to drive me to any evil deeds. In fact I have been contemplating the possibility of spending the upcoming carnival weekend on a hidden beach somewhere fishing. In theory the majority of Lucians will be flocking the streets looking to catch a glimpse of the bands or actually jumping in the bands. That leaves the beaches empty for me, what more can I ask for?
I have heard it said "It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser", well I hope that I am managing to do both (though at different rates...wiser faster, older slower)My interest in activities like carnival has severely waned over the years, though I still yearn to be a part of carnival in Brazil and New Orleans. My ideal pastimes of late seem to center around time alone to meditate and relax or time with a small group of close friends to enjoy their company. I guess that confirms that old age is setting in.
I also really want to get away from this society for a while. Just to experience something new. The Caribbean has become way too americanized. I need to spend a year or two in Japan or Korea or India or Dubai or even Australia. I need stories to tell my grand children.I need to feel like I have lived and experienced something. I have traveled quite a bit in my lifetime. I have been to America and just about every island in the Caribbean from Jamaica to Guyana. That being said, aside from changes in scenery (which depending on the island is almost negligible) they are all the same. All full of fast food restaurants, all concerned with big screen TV's and cars and sitcoms. I grow tired of it.
Sigh, anyway, I guess since it is lunchtime I should go get something to eat. No point in my idle hands typing out a rather nonsensical blog, they may as well focus on shoveling food into my mouth. So with that being said I will go forth into the wild and hunt down some sustenance lest I perish.
Au revoir.
hmmm, not so nonsensical. It might be the reflection/time alone that enhances the monotony of it all.