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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

“Politics ain't worrying this country one-tenth as much as where to find a parking space” Will Rogers

There are two designated parking spots for my office. One for the Director and one for the Driver/Messenger. As far as I am concerned, we have no driver (or office vehicle for that matter) and the director is in an extended vacation. So that means I have two parking spots in central Castries designated just for me. That is of course if the rest of St Lucia would respect the "Reserved SAACS" painted onto the spots.

I had to beg the traffic department to send someone around to ticket them. To no avail I might add. Finally I got a hook up directly to a Traffic Cop who came by to help me out. This of course follows weeks after trying to access help through the proper channels. Unfortunately whilst I was waiting on the cop one of the drivers came to move from the spot. I approached the lady very calmly, pointed out that she had probably not seen that the spot was reserved and informed her that I would appreciate if she refrained from parking there in the future. I was met with cut-eyes and a haughty shrug as a response. So much for being calm and polite. As she drove off I cursed her luck, she was just minutes from getting a fine she so rightly deserved.

Vehicle number two did get a ticket though. Although the cop did mention that he recognized the vehicle and recalls ticketing it several times before. It seems this driver was notorious for illegally parking and completely disregarding the tickets received. Such was my luck huh.

Well at least one of my spots is available now. the problem is I had to park on the other side of town this morning and I am far too lazy to go get my vehicle now. So I will wait and see if anyone decides to make use of my spot in the meantime.

“When I get real bored, I like to drive downtown and get a great parking spot, then sit in my car and count how many people ask me if I'm leaving.”

Stephen Wright

1 comment:

  1. Well This morning I get an email from my Director who is on an extended leave from the office. He indicated that the vehicle we had ticketed yesterday is his. Well it seems he was driving a borrowed or hired vehicle. So now after all the excitement of finally sticking it to the people who abuse the spot I have to get the Traffic Department to reverse the ticket. Sigh.
