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Monday, October 25, 2010

“May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future”

What will life be like in the future? No one can know. But I have a fun exercise in mind. Visit this site I just stumbled upon From here you can write an email to your future self. An abstract / intellectual time capsule of sorts. Just put in the email address, prepare your message (include your dreams and visions for the future)and send. You can set the date in the future that you want your message delivered. I set mine for the year 2020, exactly 10 years from today. I wonder how will react to the things I wrote. Only time will tell.


  1. I hope you meant 2020 there, buddy.


  2. Janeka, I was wondering the same thing:-)
    Rocky,you know the last time I did something like that was at Secondary School when my friends at I wrote two lists: what we wanted to achieve at CXC (i.e grades) and what we did/didn't want to do at prom:-)Needless to say it was hilarious reading the latter years later and I still have them both. I might give this future email capsule a shot....cuz I def have some plans lined up:-)

  3. I did mean 2020, thanks for pointing that out. And Janelle, when do i get to read those lists ;)
