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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm back. Did you miss me?

Blogging, who has time for it? Well I suppose anybody who employs proper time management skills and is not still promising to collect their honorary Procrastinators Club membership card tomorrow...I promise I will collect it tomorrow. That aside, I am here now. And prepare to be dazzled by the update of activities I have undertaken over the last few months.

First, I have blogged before about almost purchasing a motorcycle...well, this time I have acyually gone ahead and done so. I bought a 1998 Kawasaki KZ/Police1000. Unfortunately I am yet to ride it as it is undergoing some repairs to make it roadworthy. I expect to have it functional soon but then i still don't intend to take it to the streets till she is properly insured and I am licensed to ride.

Secondly, I have given up soft drinks/sodas. It's only been a relatively short space of time since I have done so but given my addiction I think it warrants some bragging. This, alongside an increase in physical activity, will bring me closer to that 30lb weight drop I am looking for. Slow and steady wins the race.

Third, I've got two months vacation coming up. I'm not travelling but I just felt like bragging. I bet YOU don't have two months vacation pending. Don't worry, I will enjoy it for both of us.

That being said, that's all for today folks. Time to wrap up my work and head home to play some more Skyrim. I am building my second house in the Hearthfire DLC.