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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours - Stephen Roberts

Hey everyone. It's been a while, I know. No excuses...just life. Didn't have anything planned to write about today honestly. I only happened upon this blog again when I got an alert a couple days ago indicating that this blog just turned four. So I opened it up and started reading some of my old posts and found myself reminiscing. So naturally it put me in the mood to write again but what about?

I've actually had the "compose" page open for a while as I surfed the web, scrolled through FaceBook (FB) and Twitter and searched for inspiration. I did eventually find something. A bit more controversial than I would have liked to start off but a relevant topic I think. Given that it has been featured in several conversations with a friend of mine over the last few days.

So let's discuss religion. Well more accurately, I want to highlight a video a friend shared on FB that I think very closely matches my views on religion. More accurately, it outlines one of the core reasons I choose not to believe. The "god" most people know is simply the one they have been taught or socialised into accepting. Their "beliefs" and "faith" are all shaped by their cultural beliefs. God is not the same from country to country, the teachings differ vastly. And yes, I have heard the argument that all the Gods are the same god but I find that argument to be bullshit. How can a perfect being leave so much confusion in his teachings? Anyway, it has never been my place to argue with people about their beliefs and I surely won't acknowledge any call for debate in the comments. I only shared this because it speaks very closely to my own understanding as an atheist and not to condemn anyone's beliefs should they be different to mine. I have no intention of insulting anyone and I am sorry if anyone feels offended but I am not sorry for my point of view.

To be honest, much like Talcott Parson's structural functionalist perspective, I believe ‘the values of society are rooted in religion’. Essentially, religion is a tool used to create and maintain behaviours that support the society. This is one of the main reasons christianity was taught to slaves. Slave masters continuously taught that the good will be rewarded in the afterlife, that "god" would punish those who did wrong. One bible verse always stood out to me: Mark 10:25 "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.". This quote obviously would discourage the poor person from trying to steal from the rich, or even protest about the vast division of wealth in society. Because according to the good book, their rewards would come in heaven and most of these rich persons will spend and eternity in hell.

Now, let me be clear. I am no expert in religion. I have not studied the bible or any of the other religious texts. I do not claim to know it all and chances are many of my readers may be more informed than I am. All I am voicing here is an opinion. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyway, this blog is going down a heavier path than I would have liked. I think I need to start on a second, happier and lighter topic to bring some smiles. What do you think?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm back. Did you miss me?

Blogging, who has time for it? Well I suppose anybody who employs proper time management skills and is not still promising to collect their honorary Procrastinators Club membership card tomorrow...I promise I will collect it tomorrow. That aside, I am here now. And prepare to be dazzled by the update of activities I have undertaken over the last few months.

First, I have blogged before about almost purchasing a motorcycle...well, this time I have acyually gone ahead and done so. I bought a 1998 Kawasaki KZ/Police1000. Unfortunately I am yet to ride it as it is undergoing some repairs to make it roadworthy. I expect to have it functional soon but then i still don't intend to take it to the streets till she is properly insured and I am licensed to ride.

Secondly, I have given up soft drinks/sodas. It's only been a relatively short space of time since I have done so but given my addiction I think it warrants some bragging. This, alongside an increase in physical activity, will bring me closer to that 30lb weight drop I am looking for. Slow and steady wins the race.

Third, I've got two months vacation coming up. I'm not travelling but I just felt like bragging. I bet YOU don't have two months vacation pending. Don't worry, I will enjoy it for both of us.

That being said, that's all for today folks. Time to wrap up my work and head home to play some more Skyrim. I am building my second house in the Hearthfire DLC.